Scientific Publications

Protocol for an intergenerational randomized controlled trial to enhance physical activity in older adults at risk for Alzheimer’s disease

Citation : Walker C.S., et al., (2025). Protocol for an intergenerational randomized controlled trial to enhance physical activity in older adults at risk for Alzheimer’s disease. Journal of Prevention of Alzheimer’s disease, Full text : Here Protocol for an intergenerational randomized controlled trial to enhance physical activity in older adults at risk for Alzheimer’s disease Walker […]

Protocol for an intergenerational randomized controlled trial to enhance physical activity in older adults at risk for Alzheimer’s disease Read More »

Synergistic association of Aβ and tau pathology with cortical neurophysiology and cognitive decline in asymptomatic older adults (Weisman et al., 2024)

Citation : Weisman et al., (2024). Synergistic association of A-beta and tau pathology with cortical neurophysiology and cognitive decline in asymptomatic older adults. Nature Neuroscience Full text : Here Synergistic association of Aβ and tau pathology with cortical neurophysiology and cognitive decline in asymptomatic older adults Gallego-Rudolf J, Weisman A.I, Pichet Binette A, Villeneuve S, Baillet

Synergistic association of Aβ and tau pathology with cortical neurophysiology and cognitive decline in asymptomatic older adults (Weisman et al., 2024) Read More »

Neurochemical organization of cortical proteinopathy and neurophysiology along the Alzheimer’s disease continuum (Weisman et al., 2024)

Citation : Weisman et al., (2024). Neurochemical organization or cortical proteinopathy and neurophysiology along the Alzheimer’s disease continuum. Alzheimer’s and Dementia. Full text : Here Neurochemical organization of cortical proteinopathy and neurophysiology along the Alzheimer’s disease continuum Weisman A, Gallego-Rudolf J, Villeneuve S, Baillet S, Wilson T.W, PREVENT-AD research group published in Alzheimer’s & Dementia, September

Neurochemical organization of cortical proteinopathy and neurophysiology along the Alzheimer’s disease continuum (Weisman et al., 2024) Read More »

Associations between neuromelanin depletion and cortical rhythmic activity in Parkinson’s disease | Brain | Oxford Academic (Weisman et al., 2024)

Citation : Weisman A.I, et al., (2024). Associations between neuromelanin depletion and cortical rhythmic activity in Parkinson’s disease. Brain. Full text : Here Associations between neuromelanin depletion and cortical rhythmic activity in Parkinson’s disease Weisman A.I, Madge V, Fon E.A, JCS, Dagher A, Collins L.D, Baillet S, PREVENT-AD research group, Quebec Parkinson Network. published in Brain,

Associations between neuromelanin depletion and cortical rhythmic activity in Parkinson’s disease | Brain | Oxford Academic (Weisman et al., 2024) Read More »

Osteopontin: A novel marker of pre-symptomatic sporadic Alzheimer’s disease. (Quesnel et al., 2024)

Citation : Quesnel et al., (2024). Osteopontin: A novel marker of pre-symptomatic sporadic Alzheimer’s disease. Alzheimer’s & Dementia. Full text : Here Osteopontin: A novel marker of pre-symptomatic sporadic Alzheimer’s disease Quesnel M.J, Labonté A, Picard C, Bowie D.C, Zetterberg H, Blennow K, Brinkmalm A, Villeneuve S, Poirier J, Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging Initiative, PREVENT-AD research group.

Osteopontin: A novel marker of pre-symptomatic sporadic Alzheimer’s disease. (Quesnel et al., 2024) Read More »

The neurophysiological brain-fingerprint of Parkinson’s disease (da Silva Castanheira et al., 2024)

Citation : da Silva Castanheira et al., (2024). The neurophysiological brain-fingerprint of Parkinson’s disease. eBioMedicine Full text : Here The neurophysiological brain-fingerprint of Parkinson’s disease da Silva Castanheira J, Wiesman A.I, Hansen J.Y, Misic B, Baillet S, PREVENT-AD research group, Quebec Parkinson Network. published in eBioMedicine, July 2024. ABSTRACT: Research in healthy young adults shows that

The neurophysiological brain-fingerprint of Parkinson’s disease (da Silva Castanheira et al., 2024) Read More »

Genetic and clinical correlates of two neuroanatomical AI dimensions in the Alzheimer’s disease continuum (Wen et al., 2024)

Citation : Wen et al.,. (2024). Genetic and clinical correlates of two neuroanatomical AI dimensions in the Alzheimer’s disease continuum. Translational psychiatry. Full text : Here Genetic and clinical correlates of two neuroanatomical AI dimensions in the Alzheimer’s disease continuum Junhao Wen, Zhijian Yang, Ilya M. Nasrallah, Yuhan Cui, Guray Erus, Dhivya Srinivasan, Ahmed Abdulkadir, Elizabeth

Genetic and clinical correlates of two neuroanatomical AI dimensions in the Alzheimer’s disease continuum (Wen et al., 2024) Read More »

Ventromedial Frontoinsular Connectivity is Associated with Long-term Smoking Behaviour Change in Aging (Thovinakere et al., 2024)

Citation : Thovinakere et al., (2024). Ventromedial frontoinsular connectivity is associated with long-term smoking behaviour change in aging. Imaging Neurosciences. Full text : Here Ventromedial Frontoinsular Connectivity is Associated with Long-term Smoking Behaviour Change in Aging Thovinakere N, Ai M, de la Colina A.N, Walker C, Baracchini J, Tremblay-Mercier J, Villeneuve S, Spreng N, Geddes M.R.

Ventromedial Frontoinsular Connectivity is Associated with Long-term Smoking Behaviour Change in Aging (Thovinakere et al., 2024) Read More »

Neuromodulatory subcortical nucleus integrity is associated with white matter microstructure, tauopathy and APOE status (Wearn et al., 2024)

Citation : Wearn et al., (2024). Neuromodulatory subcortical nucleus integrity is associated with white matter microstructure, tauopathy and APOE status. Nature communications.  Full text : Here Neuromodulatory subcortical nucleus integrity is associated with white matter microstructure, tauopathy and APOE status. Wearn A, Tremblay S.A, Tardif C.L, Leppert I.R, Gauthier C.J, Baracchini J, Hughes C, Hewan P,

Neuromodulatory subcortical nucleus integrity is associated with white matter microstructure, tauopathy and APOE status (Wearn et al., 2024) Read More »

Insulin-like growth factor binding protein-2 in at-risk adults and autopsy-confirmed Alzheimer brains (Quesnel et al., 2024)

Citation : Quesnel M., Labonté A., Picard C., Zetterberg H., BLennow K., Brinkmalm A., Villeneuve S., Poirier J., Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging Initiative, PREVENT-AD research group (2024). Insulin-like growth factor binding protein-2 in at-risk adults and autopsy confirmed Alzheimer brains. Brain . Full text : Here Insulin-like growth factor binding protein-2 in at-risk adults and autopsy-confirmed Alzheimer

Insulin-like growth factor binding protein-2 in at-risk adults and autopsy-confirmed Alzheimer brains (Quesnel et al., 2024) Read More »